New Arrow 10 Electric Bike Price, Features and Review 2023

Recently, while visiting Brooklyn, I was surprised to find that almost every single delivery bike there were of the same make and model – an Arrow 10 Electric Bike. What is this company? I had never heard of it before. No matter how hard I searched online for where to buy one or even if they exist outside of New York City at all, nothing turned up.

Here’s what I know about these bikes.

  1. They are the popular electric bicycle preferred by many of the city’s food delivery professionals. Seen often throughout New York City, these bicycles can be seen being ridden by individuals belonging to different businesses. Including Doordash, Postmates, UberEats and many others.
  2. They are throttle based electric bikes. I noticed a few cyclists going around two or three pedal strokes to get the bike moving. Then stopping pedaling completely and using the bike’s throttle to power it. Most ebikes you’ll see at bike shops will have an electric motor that gives you extra power when you need it most. In other words when its hard to start from a dead stop. You still have to pedal on these types of ebikes because they won’t ride for very long without movement of some kind. But if you can’t get over that steep hill without needing an extra burst of momentum, an ebike may be worth looking into!

    Throttle-based Arrow 10 Electric Bikes are just like little, underpowered electric motorcycles. But they don’t require a driver’s license or car insurance.

  3. The battery can be removed from the device. I noticed that some were left unattached to a power source.
  4. There are many different styles of bikes, but they all seem to be virtually identical. The only discernible difference was that most of them had two kickstands and a shock absorber at the front while others had lights or disc brakes.

  5. Many riders make it a point to wear mittens when delivering food supplies during the winter months to keep their hands from becoming too cold.

  6. 7. The NY Observer says that they usually cost between $1,500 and $1,800 according to their research from 2017.

  7. It seems that Arrow 10 Electric Bike is a store in New York City. They were fined $5,000 for selling motorized scooters through an article on the CitylandNYC site. I believe this has something to do with these bikes being throttle controlled electric bicycles which allow for some degree of motor assistance at all times. Rather than strictly just engine power from pedaling alone. 
  8. What else do you know about this manufacturer? Does it produce any other types of bicycles or products? Is it exclusive to New York City or can it be found elsewhere? Is it the most popular option among bike-sharing services like Citi Bike or Jump Bikes? For those who want to buy one themselves. How much are they priced new and what size range are they available in?
Sharing Is Caring:
John Thomas

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