Spelling Bee Answers: Sunday 12 March 2023 [100% Win]

If you’re a fan of word games, then you must have come across the Spelling Bee game developed by the New York Times games team. The game can be entertaining and challenging, and sometimes the answers can be tricky. However, don’t fret because we’ve got you covered!

Spelling Bee: An Overview

Spelling Bee is a fun and exciting game that challenges your vocabulary skills. The game involves finding words using seven letters, with one letter as the mandatory centre letter. You aim to create as many words as possible from the seven given letters and receive points for each word you create.

However, the catch is that each word must contain the mandatory center letter, and the minimum word length is four letters. Additionally, a daily pangram – a word that uses all seven letters – can earn you bonus points.

Spelling Bee Answers: Sunday, 12 March 2023

Are you ready for today’s answers? Here they are, sorted by length, along with the points you receive per answer redeemed:

DUNE +1, NUDE +1, DUDE +1, LUAU +1, LULL +1, LULU +1, NULL +1, LUNA +1, DULL +1, DUAL +1, DUEL +1, LUNE +1, ULNA +1, QUAD +1, AQUA +1, LAUD +1.






Improve Your Spelling Bee Score

Now that you have the answers to today’s Spelling Bee, you might wonder how to improve your score. Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Practice regularly: Like any other skill, improving your vocabulary takes practice. Dedicate some time each day to play Spelling Bee, and you’ll soon notice an improvement in your score.
  2. Study common word prefixes and suffixes: Understanding common word components such as prefixes and suffixes can help you guess unfamiliar words.
  3. Make use of online tools: There are plenty of online resources that can help you improve your vocabulary and word game skills. Websites such as Merriam-Webster and Vocabulary.com are great places to start.


Spelling Bee is an enjoyable game that can be entertaining and challenging. With the answers provided, you can improve your score and have even more fun with the game. Remember to keep practicing, studying, and using online tools to enhance your vocabulary skills.

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