Write for Us!

Submit Guest Posts SEO, Marketing, Travel, Technology, Business, Automotive

We are looking for good writers who know SEO, Marketing, Internet, WordPress and Technology, Home Improvement, Automotive, Health, Business, Travel, Lifestyle, Shopping and E-commerce where they can submit a guest post on our site. Through guest blogging, you can get good traffic to your blog and create an author section on the guest post sites where you have submitted your article. So if you have an article for a guest post in the above category, contact us today and publish your article within 1-2 working days. 

Guest posting is one of the most prominent Off Page SEO techniques for Bloggers and business websites. By guest posts, you can attract website owners and traffic to your blog and get traffic. Many bloggers’ websites provide an online platform where you can write for them, and they will moderate your articles within 2 or 3 days.

You can ping us through EMAIL if you have good content related to this site.

[email protected]

Skype: live:.cid.429e29c832d5ce3

Importance of Guest Post or Write for us

  • Get to know about your blog from other bloggers
  • Increase your social media followers
  • Website Reputation
  • The authority of your website increases
  • Get quality traffic
  • Build relationship
  • Increase your brand awareness
  • People know about yourself through the author’s bio
  • Get more conversion

Suppose you are a writer or blogger and want to submit a guest post on this blog. Here is a great opportunity for you to write an article. Here are a few guidelines for submitting a guest post and start submitting your articles.

Guidelines for Submit a Guest Post

  • The article must be above 1500+ words.
  • The full and descriptive article that defines what you want to say
  • Do not add copyrighted Images.
  • Write your own words.
  • No English and grammatical mistakes
  • The article must be passed from copy-space and in a proper manner.
  • Guest blog articles should be related to blogging tips, WordPress, Internet marketing, Digital Marketing, Social media, online tips, making money, SEO, Tools, and how to (must relate to the above fields)
  • Don’t copy or spin your articles. Be Descriptive and add a title.

Some Ways To Find Guest Posting Sites

You Can Search These Queries On Google Like: “free guest post” + “keyword”, “free guest post” + “web development”, “free guest post” + “web design”, “free guest post” + “digital marketing”, “free guest post” + “lifestyle”, “free guest post” + “phone leak”, “free guest post” + “business”, “free guest post” + “seo”, “free guest post” + “video games”, “free guest post” + “gaming”, “free guest post” + “entertainment”, “free guest post” + “video game”, “free guest post”, “submit guest post” + “business”, “business” + “submit article.”

Popular Search Strings For Guest Post Websites

  1. Your Keyword “become a contributor.”
  2. Keyword “become a guest blogger”
  3. Your Keyword “guest posting guidelines”
  4. Keyword “become a guest writer.”
  5. Your Keyword “submit content.”
  6. Your Keyword “contributor guidelines.”
  7. Keyword “guest author.”
  8. Keyword “guest post courtesy of.”
  9. Your Keyword “contribute to our site.”
  10. Search the Keyword “guest post opportunities.”
  11. Your Keyword “guest post.”
  12. Keyword “guest poster wanted.”
  13. Your Keyword “guest posts wanted.”
  14. Search the Keyword “guest column.”
  15. Your Keyword is “looking for guest posts.”
  16. Your Keyword “send a tip.”
  17. Search the Keyword “submit an article”
  18. Keyword “contributing writer”
  19. Search the Keyword “become an author”
  20. Keyword “submit article”
  21. Your Keyword “submit blog post”
  22. Search the Keyword “accepting guest posts.”
  23. Your Keyword “submit guest post.”
  24. Your Keyword “submit post.”
  25. Keyword “submit your content.”
  26. Your Keyword “submit news.”
  27. Search the Keyword “suggest a post.”
  28. Your Keyword “This is a guest post by.”
  29. Keyword “This post was written by.”
  30. Search the Keyword “want to write for.”
  31. Your Keyword “submit for us “And your Keyword “guest article.”
  32. Keyword “writers wanted”
  33. Search “Your Keyword “guest blogger.”
  34. Keyword “articles wanted”
  35. Your Keyword inurl: “guest blogger.”
  36. Keyword inurl: “guest post.”

“guest posting” + “keyword”

You Can Search These Queries On Google Like: “guest posting” + “keyword”, “guest posting” + “apple iphone“, “guest posting” + “photography”, “guest posting” + “finance”, “guest posting” + “digital marketing”, “guest posting” + “lifestyle”, “guest posting” + “phone leak”, “guest posting” + “how to”, “guest posting” + “seo”, “guest posting” + “music”, “guest posting” + “discount code”, “guest posting” + “business”, “guest posting” + “mobile app development”, “guest posting” + “gaming”, “guest posting” + “entertainment”, “guest posting” + “video game”, “guest posting” + “web development”, “guest posting” + “b2b “

“free guest posting” + “keyword”

“free guest posting” + “keyword” , “free guest posting” + “pPhotography” , “free guest posting” + “how to” , “free guest posting” + “finance” , “free guest posting” + “digital marketing” , “free guest posting” + “lifestyle” , “free guest posting” + “seo” , “free guest posting” + “mobile app development” , “free guest posting” + “gaming” , “free guest posting” + “business” ,”free guest posting” + “entertainment” , “free guest posting” + “innovation” , “free guest posting” + “web development” , “free guest posting” + “video game” , “free guest posting” + “b2b ” + “free guest posting” +

“write to us” or “write for us” + “keyword.”

Also You Can Search : “write for us” + “keyword” , “write for us” + “finance” , “write to us” + “seo” , “write to us” + “digital marketing” , “write for us” + “phone leak” , “write for us” + “how to” , ”write for us” + “entertainment” , “write to us” + , “write to us” + “discount code” , “write for us” + “mobile app development” , “write for us” + “programing” , “write to us” + “business” , “write for us” + “business” , “write for us” + “music” , “write for us” + “gaming” , “write to us” + “video game” , “write to us” + “innovation” , “write to us” + “web development” , “write for us” + “b2b” , “write for us” + “search engine optimization”

“Technology” + “Write For Us”

Mobile Mall blog appreciates guest posts and content that is relevant to technology; we welcome “technology write for us” content and articles that stuff are demonstrating technology news and updates.

More Ways & Queries To Submit Guest Post On Technology Blog

  • “write for us technology.”
  • “write to us” + “technology”
  • “guest posting” + “technology”
  • “submit guest post” + “technology”
  • “technology guest post”
  • “free guest posting” + “technology”
  • “submit technology guest post”
  • “write for us” + “technology”
  • “free guest post” + “technology”

Tech “Write For Us”

We are accepting “Tech Write For Us” pitches and focusing highly on that type of tech-related content.

You Can Find More Tech Guest Post Blogs By Searching

  • “tech” + “write to us”
  • “guest posting” + “tech”
  • “write for us tech.”
  • “guest post” + “tech”
  • “tech” + “write for us”
  • “submit tech guest post”
  • “submit guest post tech.”
  • “tech” + “submit guest post”
  • “tech” + “free guest post”

Gadgets “Write For Us”

Also focusing upon latest gadgets-related guest posts. Our editors appreciate those articles elaborating on new & trending gadgets.

Some Relevant Search Strings For Gadgets Guest Posts

  • “write for us gadgets.”
  • “write for us” + “gadgets”
  • “write for us” + “gadgets review”
  • “gadgets” + “free guest posting”
  • “guest posting” + “gadgets”
  • “submit guest post” + “gadgets”

Automotive “Write for Us”

If you are going to find automotive sites that accept guest posts on the search engine, then you must know the few search engines that query. So here you can find a few search engine queries where you can search these queries on the search engine.

  • automotive write for us
  • Keyword inrul: “contributing writer”
  • automotive blog + write for us
  • Keyword “want to write for”
  • Keyword “submit blog post
  • Keyword “contribute to our site”
  • Your Keyword “submit content”
  • auto repair write for us
  • Keyword “submit post”
  • Your Keyword “guest post”
  • Keyword “suggest a car post”
  • Keyword “submit an automotive article”
  • Keyword “become a guest blogger”
  • Keyword “car guest blogger”
  • Keyword “guest posts wanted”
  • Keyword intitle: “write for us”
  • Keyword inurl: “guest post”
  • title: Your Keyword + guest post
  • car + tech: “write for us”

Still, Looking for More Ways To Find Guest Posts?

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Contact us here at [email protected]

  • Shopping Write for us
  • Write for us Shopping
  • Write for us Business
  • SEO Write for us
  • Technology Write for us
  • Business Write for us
  • Education Write for us
  • Digital Marketing Write for us
  • Fashion Write for us
  • Write for us Tech
  • Health Write for us
  • Home Improvement Write for us
  • Finance Write for us
  • Lifestyle Write for us
  • Write for us SEO
  • CryptoCurrency Write for us
  • News Write for us
  • Write for us News
  • Pets write for us
  • Write for us Ecommerce
  • Write for us Pets
  • Ecommerce Write for us

Find Guest Posts

  • “Add Content”
  • “Submit Post”
  • “Bloggers wanted”
  • “Guest post”
  • “Submit a guest post”
  • “Become a guest blogger”
  • “Guest post guidelines”
  • “Submit an article”
  • “Want to write for”
  • “Blogs that accept guest blogging”
  • “Blogs accepting guest posts”
  • “Contribute”
  • “Submit news”
  • “Submit tutorial”
  • “Suggest a post”
  • “Become an author”
  • “Become a contributor”
  • “Places I guest posted”
  • “Publish your news”
  • “Guest post by”
  • “Guest contributor”
  • “This is a guest article”
  • “Add article”
  • “Submit article”
  • “Add guest post”
  • “Guest bloggers wanted”
  • “Guest posts roundup”
  • “Write for us”
  • “Submit guest post”
  • “Submit a guest article”
  • “Guest bloggers wanted”
  • “Group writing project”
  • “Blogs that accept guest posts”
  • “Blogs that accept guest bloggers”
  • “Become a contributor”
  • “Community News”
  • “Submit blog post”
  • “Suggest a guest post”
  • “Contribute to our site”
  • “Become a guest writer”
  • “My guest posts”
  • “Submission guidelines”
  • “This guest post was written”
  • “This guest post is from”
  • “Now accepting guest posts”
  • “The following guest post”
  • inurl:guest-post-guidelines
  • inurl:guest-posts
  • inurl:write-for-us
  • inurl:technology-guest-post
  • inurl:education-post-guidelines
  • inurl:education-post-guidelines
  • inurl:business-post-guidelines
  • inurl:general-post-guidelines

“Add Content”

“Submit Post”

“Bloggers wanted”

“Guest post”

“Submit a guest post”

“Become a guest blogger”

“Guest post guidelines”

“Submit an article”

“Want to write for”

“Blogs that accept guest blogging”

“Blogs accepting guest posts”


“Submit news”

“Submit tutorial”

“Suggest a post”

“Become an author”

“Become a contributor”

“Places I guest posted”

“Publish your news”

“Guest post by”

“Guest contributor”

“This is a guest article”

“Add article”

“Submit article”

“Add guest post”

“Guest bloggers wanted”

“Guest posts roundup”

“Write for us”

“Submit guest post”

“Submit a guest article”

“Guest bloggers wanted”

“Group writing project”

“Blogs that accept health guest posts”

“Blogs that accept guest bloggers”

“Become a contributor”

“Community News”

“Submit blog post”

“Suggest a guest post”

“Contribute to our site”

“Become a guest writer”

“My guest posts”

“Submission guidelines”

“This guest post was written”

“This guest post is from”

“Now accepting guest posts”

“The following guest post”






inurl: health -post-guidelines

inurl: health -post-guidelines


Get Guest Post

“Add Content”“Submit Post”“Bloggers wanted”“Guest post”“Submit a guest post”
“Become a guest blogger”“Guest post guidelines”“Submit an article”“Want to write for”“Blogs that accept guest blogging”
“Blogs accepting guest posts”“Contribute”“Submit news”“Submit tutorial”“Suggest a post”
“Become an author”“Become a contributor”“Places I guest posted”“Publish your news”“Guest post by”
“Guest contributor”“This is a guest article”“Add article”“Submit article”“Add guest post”
“Guest bloggers wanted”“Guest posts roundup”“Write for us”“Submit guest post”“Submit a guest article”
“Guest bloggers wanted”“Group writing project”“Blogs that accept guest posts”“Blogs that accept guest bloggers”“Become a contributor”
“Community News”“Submit blog post”“Suggest a guest post”“Contribute to our site”“Become a guest writer”
“My guest posts”“Submission guidelines”“This guest post was written”“This guest post is from”“Now accepting guest posts”
“The following guest post”inurl:guest-post-guidelinesinurl:guest-postsinurl:write-for-us